It was a long season for Jeff Evans in Indiana. Jeff is the Big Tine Sales Representative for Wisconsin and surrounding states. When he’s not on the boat, tackling monster walleye, smallmouth & musky at his guide service Jeff Evan’s Wisconsin Fishing Guides, he tries to come down to the Hoosier State to tangle with the Big Tine Hoosier giants. after seeing a lot of activity in bow season, but no shooter, Jeff returned in mid-December to try his luck with his muzzleloader. as fate would have it, Jeff found himself hunting from the ground and late in the day this buck presented himself on the field checking the already feeding does. the Buck turned broadside at 125 yards, and Jeff’s TC cleared the field. the shot was absolutely flawless, and the buck barely made it off the Big Tine food plot. after a very short track, Jeff was able to finally lay his hands on this Indiana brute.
With Patience Come Reward
